SI Tickets will notify you via email if your event has been Cancelled. For the most up-to-date information regarding your event, please check with the venue directly.
If your event has been Cancelled your order will be cancelled and you will receive a full refund to the original payment method used to make your purchase within 30 days of your receipt of the Order Cancellation notification.
Refunds typically take 3 - 5 business days to clear and post on your payment account. If you have questions about your Order Status or if your order was cancelled and you have questions about your refund, please contact support.
- If traditional hard-stock tickets or festival wristbands were shipped to you, these physical tickets may need to be returned to the seller in order to obtain a refund. SI Tickets will notify you via email if this is necessary. Please be sure to hold onto any physical tickets you have received, until you are advised by SI Tickets that they can be discarded.
- In some instances, Mobile Tickets that were transferred to you may need to be transferred back to the original purchaser in order for you to obtain a refund. SI Tickets will notify you via email if this is necessary.